can you work out every day

How Can You Work Out Every Day?

Try these 7 strategies to maintain your exercise routines and crush those New Year's resolutions
Cold Water Therapy

Cold Water Therapy: What Is It?

Cold water therapy is one of the biggest health and wellness trends today. Across social media, a number of professional athletes and bodybuilders have shared images of their post-workout recover...
women lifting weights

The Myth About Women Lifting Weights: Strong Women Focus

Almost 80% of women are missing out on benefits of resistance exercise, like improved communication between brain and muscle. Let's debunk some of the biggest myths surrounding women & weight...
back pain exercises

10 Best Back Pain Exercises to do at Home

Back pain is one of the most common reasons why people go to the doctor or miss work. Help alleviate your upper or lower back pain with these exercises.
Tyler doing bicep curl

How to 'Get Swole' in 6 Weeks?

6 Weeks to Swole! Learn how to maximize muscle in minimal time.
Boogieman flexing trap muscles

How to Get Olympian-Size Big Traps?

If they don’t impair your hearing, they’re probably not big enough! Here’s how to build mountains right up to your ears.
Chest Exercises For Men

The Best Chest Exercises For Men

Chest muscles can be underappreciated, get to know the three main musclular components. Work these muscles with our favourite chest exercises that can be done at home or in the gym.
Abel performing barbell squat

The Best Full-Body Workout Ever

Can you grow from training 3 days a week? You bet your ass you can!
Creatine - Unleashing Power, Performance, and Safety

Creatine - Unleashing Power, Performance, and Safety

 Explore the benefits of creatine for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. Learn how it fuels workouts, enhances performance, and supports muscle health.
Bodybuilding for Beginners

A-Z Guide to Bodybuilding for Beginners

If you're a complete beginner or just looking to enhance your bodybuilding knowledge, following this A-Z guide will provide you with the necessary means and insights to build a strong foundation, a...
Traps workout

The Ultimate Guide to Trap Workouts

Curious about Trap Workouts? In this blog, we explain all the best exercises for traps. Read and start building your traps.
20 Tips for 20-Inch Arms!

20 Tips for 20-Inch Arms!

When it comes to arms, the measurement to strive for has always been 20 inches. Anything less than that can still be fine, but nobody’s raving about 18- or 19-inch arms.
Shredded Body

A Clear Regimen for a Shredded Body

5 Things You Need to Start Doing Today to Get Shredded Fast!
ab workouts

Unknown Yet Effective Ab Workouts & Exercises

Can’t Get Your Abs to Pop (or Show Up at All)? Here Are Some Tricks for Building a Great Six-Pack.
loaded carry

All You Need to Know About a Loaded Carry

Learn the Benefits of Adding Carry Exercises to Your Routine.
how to prepare for a bodybuilding show

How to Prepare for a Bodybuilding Show?

Doing your first show? Here’s what to expect and 5 things I know now that I wish I’d known then
What is Rucking?

What is Rucking? - A Complete Guide

By MuscleTech Strength Coach John Porter Jr.Explore rucking, the ultimate guide to this fitness trend that combines walking with weight. Learn benefits, tips, and how to start. Perfect for all lev...
push pull legs routine

Push Pull Legs Routine for Mega Mass Gains

Push Pull Legs Routine is one of the best quick-fix ways to mega mass gains. In this blog, we will tell you everything about it!
what exercise burns the most calories

What Exercise Burns the Most Calories?

A Training Protocol for the Insanely Busy
What is Powerbuilding

What is Powerbuilding? - Coach John Porter Explains

Discover the hybrid training method that combines elements of both powerlifting and bodybuilding. 
hirt workout

The HIRT Workout - All You Need to Know

Want the benefits of H.I.R.T. training but also more lean, functional, and strong muscle? It’s time to get H.I.R.T.

Zercher: An Exercise Program That'll Transform You

Sometimes to really get something you’ve never had with your goals in the gym (and in life) you must do something you’ve never done. Experience transformation with Zercher: This exercise program...
How to Prepare for a Marathon? Real Life Experience

How to Prepare for a Marathon? Real Life Experience

Ryan Hall's  Experience Coaching at the 2022 World Track and Field Championships
From Gym Bench to 5k

From Gym Bench to 5k

MuscleTech Run Coach Ryan Hall has a complete 10-week training program to help you get ready for your very first 5k road race.
Compound vs. Isolation Training

Compound vs. Isolation Training

Confused About How Much Compound-to-Iso Lifting to Do? Read This.
Beach Body Workout

The Perfect Beach Body Workout & Diet Plan

As the nicer weather approaches, the beach and pool party invitations will start coming in. This is the perfect opportunity to show off all your hard work and be proud of what you’ve accomplished...
The 30 Minute Chest Workout

The 30 Minute Chest Workout

Not all of us have the luxury of time on our hands to train as effectively as we need to in order to gain the size or muscle mass desired. With that in mind, build the ultimate 30-minute chest wo...
What Kills Muscle Gains? 10 Results Killers and How to Correct Them

What Kills Muscle Gains? 10 Results Killers and How to Correct Them

Have you been diligently hitting the gym but still have weight clinging to your body like sticky taffy? Has summer passed and you still don’t have your summer body? If so, chances are it boils do...
 Calf Exercises

Top 3 Calf Exercises - Grow Your Calves into Cows!

Nobody wants to have the legs of a small seagull, but quite frankly, there are too many lifters cruising around with decent physiques until you look below their knees. You probably even know a fe...
 Bodyweight Workout

Your Guide to a Complete Bodyweight Workout

Bodyweight exercises can be extremely tough, and as such, some believe that you should master your bodyweight as thoroughly as you master the iron. And yet, most lifters neglect bodyweight exerci...
How to Get Big Muscles Fast?

How to Get Big Muscles Fast?

There's a mind-numbing array of training programs out there – but to boil down the solution to the simplest answer - from a training perspective, there are two possible strategies to boost the sp...
how to train like a spartan

How to Train Like a Spartan?

I competed in my first Spartan race back in October of 2021. It was a 5k with 20 obstacles, and I was totally unprepared for it. Although I had a blast and competed pretty well, I was utterly sor...