what exercise burns the most calories

What Exercise Burns the Most Calories?

A Training Protocol for the Insanely Busy

By MuscleTech Strength Coach John Porter Jr.

Everyone has a lot on their plate these days. With your many responsibilities, priorities, family commitments, and overbearing work schedules, it can be difficult to carve out time to train the way you know you need to in order to get results.

Although we all have the same 24 hours in a day, everyone’s 24 hours are not the same, and it’s important to acknowledge this in order to move forward with a concise plan that can help achieve the busy athlete still achieve their fitness goals without causing turmoil at work or at home.

One of the best ways to maximize your time, address your goals, and accelerate your results is to utilize interval training. Interval training is a training protocol that incorporates brief periods of work via lifting weights or cardio with periods of rest. If your plan is programmed right, you can get a full-body, high-calorie-burning, and time-efficient workout in less than 30 minutes.

Benefits of Interval Training

Outside of the time-saving benefit, there are a few other benefits of interval training to take into account—especially if your goal is to be strong, muscular, and aerobically fit!

  • Improved stamina
  • Improved bone density
  • Stress relief
  • Increased metabolism, training your body to burn fat after your workout
  • Improved athleticism

Even with the busiest schedule, if you can commit to two workouts a week, you’ll see great results (with the proper diet and nutrition program).

The Program

Here’s a two-day workout example that you can apply right now. Each workout lasts 16 minutes. With a proper warmup, each workout will have you in and out of the gym in less than 30 minutes!

  • Each workout (Day 1 and Day 2) features one mega-circuit of 14 exercises (alternating between a strength exercise and a metabolic exercise), which you will perform for 2 rounds/sets.
  • Perform each exercise for 30 seconds and then, without rest, move on to the next exercise and perform it for 30 seconds.
  • At the end of the circuit, rest for 90 seconds. Use that time to take a breather, hydrate, and recalibrate any exercise if needed.
  • Because of the time periods selected, the tempo for each should be moderate.
  • Do your best to resist the temptation to perform exercises at a high tempo as it could result in your not being able to have the aerobic capacity to finish each set.
  • For the exercises that require an external load (e.g., dumbbells or kettlebells), choose a load/weight that allows for a high level of exercise competency. Utilize the principle of progressive overload in order to place the appropriate amount of tension, metabolic stress, and muscle damage to drive/accelerate aesthetic and functional adaptations.


Day 1

2 sets

1. A) Dual Dumbbell Front Squats to Press
    B) Burpees
2.  A) Dual Dumbbell Bench Press
     B) High Knees
3.  A) Reverse Lunges
     B). Ice Skater Drill
4.  A). Renegade Rows
     B). Ladder Drill: In-In-Out-Out
5. A) Arnold Press
    B) Jump Rope
6. A) Dumbbell Box Step-Ups
    B) Jumping Jacks
7. A) Pillar to Plank Press-Ups
    B) Kettlebell Swings

Day 2

2 sets

1. A) Lateral Lunges to Dumbbell Biceps Curls
    B) Dumbbell Jabs
2. A) Push Ups
    B) Box Jump Step-Downs
3.  A) Reverse Lunges
     B) Ice Skater Drill
4. A) Renegade Rows
    B) V-Ups
5. A) Dumbbell Lateral Raises
    B) Jump Rope
6. A) Sled Push
    B) Jumping Jacks
7. A) Dumbbell Triceps Kickbacks
    B) Mountain Climbers

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